How do I explain this to You?

Its the notion that something like same-sex marriage is going to somehow derail a kid’s childhood…as though they actually spend a great deal of time wrestling with such things in their mind.    Sentiments of ‘How will I explain this to my children?” as though they won’t be able to continue being kids.

Maybe its not your kids that need such help.    Indeed, maybe they can help explain it to you.   Maybe you’re making a mountain out of a mole-hill.

Kids encounter new-to-them situations all the time.   Its called growing up.    It actually happens in adulthood too, yet it seems that children are far better able to roll with this sort of thing than many of their parents.    Or at least that’s a picture being painted.

I’ve witnessed it myself.   Kids are curious, and when they’ve worked it out, they move on… to ping pong or what-have-you.     Unless of course we, as adults, plant bad seeds of thought in their heads.    They tend to just accept, however, without any anxiety.   Like this boy, who reasons it out for himself, based on what he’s been told up to that point about married people.   They love each other.  Boys are husbands.  Girls are wives.     So yeah, two married boys are husband and husband and they love each other.   Makes sense to me.   Makes sense to him.     Not really sure why its such a mystery for other people.

Unfortunately I think this video speaks volumes upon volumes and that much of that will be lost upon the adult-world.

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