Relief for Japan’s pets


Snagged the following from Joe Mallozzi’s blog…   very heart-wrenching.   this young girl is behind a radiation barrier, evidentially “reaching out to almost touch her dog on the other side.”

Silly as it may sound, my first thoughts in any type of disaster like this is about my own dogs…   We’re trying to get them trained to evacuate at the sound of the fire alarm… but there are just things they can’t cope with.   Breaks my heart that other Leia’s out there may be cut off from their people, exposed to the elements, scared and hungry.

The American Humane Association has a relief fund established for rescuing animals affected by the disaster in Japan.   You can donate through the link above.

Alternately, you can text PROTECT to 85944 to make a $10 donation.



Here is some information from the AHA in relation to community readyness for a disaster.  We secure ourselves, we secure our children, but do we secure our pets?


Your pet needs you even more when disaster strikes

When disaster strikes a community, essential services like water are often unavailable. So what can you do to ensure your pet is cared for during and, especially after, a disaster?

Preparation for pets
  • Keep your pets’ vaccinations up-to-date.
  • Know where your pets can go whether it’s a friend or family member, pet-friendly hotel, animal shelter, or boarding facility.
  • Place your contact information, including the name of an out-of-state contact on your pets’ ID tags, microchip registrations, and licenses.
  • Prepare an emergency kit of leashes, collars, extra ID tags, water, food, medications, health records, and photos to prove ownership.
  • Have on hand portable carriers large enough for your pets to stand and turn around in.
  • Prepare a first-aid kit, including your vet contact information and an authorization to treat your pets.
  • Gather any relief plans developed by your local Red Cross chapter; emergency management office; or police, fire, health, wildlife and agriculture departments so you know where to turn for specific resources.
  • Stryse Adds:   Include your pets in any home-evacuation planning.  Rehearse it regularly.  work to get them to evacuate on queue so that you aren’t trying to coax them out from under a bed when disaster strikes.
Preparation for livestock
  • Post emergency contact numbers at your barn or on your pasture fence.
  • Have sufficient transportation available for all your livestock or know where to obtain it. Train your livestock how to board the vehicles.
  • Create a list of neighbors within a 100-mile radius of your home who would be willing to board your livestock if you are forced to evacuate.
  • Form agreements with neighboring ranches and farms to help each other with disaster preparation and evacuations.
  • Know organizations in your area that are prepared to rescue and house displaced livestock.
  • Involve your family and neighbors in establishing an evacuation plan for animals in barns and outlying buildings.
  • Have a supply of feed at a separate location, which could be air-dropped if the animals become stranded.
  • Make up a kit with leads, halters, equine and bovine first aid kits, quieting hoods for easy transport, and water.
  • Keep photos and a copy of your ownership papers or brands with you at all times in case you are separated from your livestock.

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