From a Cop: How To Handle Cops


I thought I’d share this little tid-bit.    There is a new documentary out, available from called “10 Rules for Dealing with Police.”

The film provides practical tips for getting through an encounter with law enforcement.    As the article points out, with the advent of things like YouTube and cell-phone-based video cameras,   police-misconduct is being pulled out of the dark corners of society and thrust into the light.

We have a long way to go with police accountability.   However we also have a lot to learn on how to protect our rights in those situations we find ourselves confronted by police.

It can be a bit confusing, just what police can and can not do.    They’re trained in a variety of techniques designed to get you to waive your rights in the name of compliance with their requests.    That is, they’re trained in how to bully you so they can get an easy arrest… even if you didn’t do anything illegal in the first place.

The site has some other useful resources on it as well.   While procedures and laws do vary from state-to-state, provides answers applicable in all 50 of them.

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